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MI 2166 Demonstration Board
MI 2166 DemoBoard.jpg
Key Features:

Demonstration board MI 2166 simulates common electrical installation usually met in individual house or apartment.


Demonstration board is to be used preferably by sales personnel when demonstrating operation of electrical installation test equipment.

Various test methods supported by different test instruments can be presented. MI 2166 is compatible with all Metrel’s Installation Safety Testers.

• A number of different measurements in accordance to EN 61557

  are possible (insulation resistance, continuity of PE conductors,

  earth resistance (four-lead and two clamp methods), specific

  earth resistance, line and loop imped-ance, phase rotation, load

  current, RCD testing, contact voltage, etc.).


• Real elements of electrical installation are placed on the front

  panel like RCD, ON/OFF switch with lamp, mains test outlet and

  connection terminals.

• All standardised testing methods can be presented.

• 5 different errors can be preset by »fault« switches.

• TN or TT system can be simulated.

• Demonstration board is put in the strong rugged case with a

  handle for comfortable carrying.


• Presentation of complete testing of any electrical installation.
• Demonstration of electrical installation test equipment operation

  by sales per-sonnel.

Technical Specifications and Accessories:

* Print or Download document by clicking on the relative icon. 



Address:  Unit B1,Sanlam Industrial Park,


               Masjien Street,Strydom Park,

Randburg, Gauteng


South Africa

Phone:  +27 (0)872658722

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