PQM-701 / 701Z /701Zr Power Quality Analyser
Software - 'Sonel Analysis':
„SONEL Analysis” the tablet version of the application is necessary to work with the PQM-710 and PQM-711.
This software allows:
analyzer configuration,
reading data from the analyzer,
network parameters check in real time (the ability to read data
through GSM modem),
data deleting in the analyzer,
data presentation in tables,
data presentation in diagrams,
data analysis according to EN 50160 or according to user defined conditions,
independent service of multiple analyzers,
software upgrade through the Internet.
Analyzer Configuration
The software enables configuration of all analyzer’s parameters. The configuration is made on the computer and later transferred to the analyzer. The configuration settings can be stored on hard drive or other data storage devices to be used later.
Live Mode
“SONEL Analysis” software enables reading of selected parameters and their graphic presentation in real time. These parameters are measured independently of the registration saved in the memory.
Sonel Analysis enables compensation of noise current for clamps on inactive objects. User can Check:
- voltage and current diagrams (oscilloscope)
- diagrams of voltage and current in time function,
- scope phasor,
- different parameters values,
- harmonics and harmonics’ power,
- interharmonics.